Tipperary Hill 
Syracuse, NY
Synthesis of Place/ Concept:
After our collaborative meeting with the THNA on Thursday, November 6th, it became obvious that the neighborhood needed more than just simple improvements. Some of the major issues regarding traffic patterns, lack of parking, and poor lighting, were just a few of the concerns the representatives of Tipperary Hill brought to the table.
 In hopes of helping us, there were many resources that were suggested; such as people that have long been involved in the neighborhood, plans around Syracuse that would give us an idea of what the neighborhood was looking for, and some of their favorite landscapes around the area in order to give us as designers an idea of what the Tipperary Hill representatives find aesthetically pleasing.
 Following this meeting, the wants and needs of the THNA became prominent; while looking into all of these resources, my design ideas started to come together. With hanging lights over the newly grown canopy of trees running through Burnet Park Drive, and the improved seating area and traffic patterns, the new designs started to all flow into one. 


In my design, I hope to improve the overall use of space at the Tipperary Hill Monument site on the corner of Burnet Park drive and Tompkins Street.
I wish to address the traffic patterns at intersections throughout Burnet Park Drive
A goal is to create a landscape pattern throughout Burnet Park Drive for foot and vehicle traffic.

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